About CoveyLove

CoveyLove – Amy’s Facebook alias, her “handle”, her persona, and perhaps her legacy. CoveyLove has been the name used by Amy’s family and friends when supporting and sponsoring the Colon Cancer Coalition’s ‘Get Your Rear in Gear’ runs in New York City. Team CoveyLove is always a strong presence at the races, and Family CoveyLove is a regular sponsor of the New York event.

The logo was developed by Amy’s friends in Santa Barbara.

About Amy

Live. This single word hung on a sign in Amy Covey’s home, easily visible to her and to anyone who came to visit. Such a simple four letter word, but for Amy it embodied her whole being.

Get Your Rear in Gear

Get Your Rear in Gear® is an annual fun run event benefiting the Colon Cancer Coalition.

Amy K Covey Scholarship

The Covey family, along with family and friends, endowed a scholarship to be awarded annually to a first year photography student at the Brooks Institute, where Amy was studying photography.

About Amy Covey

Make the most of every minute, every relationship, every opportunity for enjoyment, every chance to help someone, every… well, you get the picture

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We send out infrequent newsletters – covering details of the Get Your Rear in Gear events, the scholarship, and occasional other updates relating to Amy and her interests. If you would like to receive these, then please complete the form on the next page.